Sunday, October 26, 2014

The good of papaya fruit for diet

There are many varieties of papaya; the fruit can be yellow to strong orange. The ideal market size is approximately 750 grams to 1 kilo for freight.

The papaya (carica papaya) is a spherical or pear shape fruit. The fruit is also known as pawpaw, is not only delicious but is also a favorite for it is digestive, medicinal and nutritional value.

Papaya, like most fruit derives most of it calories from simple carbohydrates, with the remaining calories coming for protein and fat.

Among the health benefits of papaya include:
*It boosts the immune system. Papaya is particularly high in vitamin C, A and E all powerful immune boosting antioxidant vitamin.

Together with it natural dose of vitamin E, beta carotenes, and lycopene, papaya protects skin from signs of sun damage, like wrinkles and brown sports.

*Papaya is high in anti-oxidants, flavonoids and carotenes. Papaya helps antioxidants slow down the aging process by providing human body with lots of free radical scavengers.  Papaya helps the body to properly digest food and when the body digest all the nutrients it needs the body will remain vital for a long time.

*The papaya providing protective benefits against cancer, heart disease, and other diseases associated with free radical damage.

*Papayas contain two enzymes: papain and chympapain that have been shown to help reduce inflammation and to increase the rate of healing from burns.

*Papain helps to breakdown protein. It is used to treat digestive system disorders.  Papain breaks down protein in food, allowing for better digestion.

*Papaya is an ideal fruit for smokers as it replaces the lost levels of vitamin C.

*Papaya seeds also have hidden health benefit; it is to cleanse the intestines.
The good of papaya fruit for diet 

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