Sunday, August 07, 2016

Green leafy vegetables are good for vision

Dark green leafy vegetables contain two pigments, lutein and zeaxanthin, that accumulate in the eye. They appear to be able to snuff out free radical damage which are generated by sunlight, cigarette smoke, air pollution, infection and metabolism before it harms the eye’s sensitive tissues.

A number of study show that people who regularly eat dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and collard greens are less likely to develop two common aging related eye disease, cataract and macular degeneration.
Green collard
Both lutein and zeaxanthin seem to reduce oxidative damage and protect tissues via a two step process. First, both of thess carotenoids are absorbed from the diet into the bloodstream and eventually end up concentrated specifically in the eye and the skin.

Next, the high levels of these carotenoids in these tissues serve to promote the tissues by minimizing free-radical damage and by absorbing harmful blue-light rays.

Meso-zeaxanthin and zeaxanthin are the predominant carotenoids in the foveal region, whereas lutein predominates in the parafoveal region.
Green leafy vegetables are good for vision

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