Metabolic are measured under basal conditions is known as basal metabolic rate. Basal metabolic rate means rate of energy utilization in the body during absolute physical and mental rest (but the person in awake).
In other words, BMR described how many calories the person would need to stay alive if he or she was to spend all day in bed asleep.
Basal conditions necessary for measuring BMR are:
*Person must be in the post-absorptive state (no food eaten for 12 hours before the test)
*Person has restful night sleep
*No strenuous exercise is performed during the preceding hour or more
*Free from mental and physical strain
*Temperature of air must be comfortable
Basal metabolic rate varies between people and also with age; as the person get older it gets slower, therefore the person need less energy at rest. A person’s size is important: the more a person weighs the more energy it takes to do daily tasks. This additional energy translates into a higher BMR.
What is Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)?
What does the term "diet" mean? The definition of a diet as the complete oral consumption of nutrients and non-nutritive substances is comprehensive yet lacks specificity. It is defined by the typical composition and allocation of nutrients and foods ingested by an individual or a specified group.
Tuesday, March 07, 2017
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