Wednesday, March 28, 2018

What are the main functions of minerals in human body?

In the body, some minerals are put together in orderly arrays in such structures as bones and teeth. Minerals are also found in the fluids of the body, which influences fluid balance and distribution.

Only 16 minerals are known to be essential in human nutrition. The minerals can be classified as macrominerals and trace elements. Normal function of the human body requires both large (macro) and micro (trace) quantities of minerals.

Minerals play an important role in maintaining the immune system of our body and any deficiency reduces the responsiveness of the system making human more prone to illness an infection. Infections increase the rate of metabolism within the body and thus the rate of tissue, breakdown, which creates need for extra nutrients.

There are three major minerals most abundant and most needed in the human body for survival, and they are calcium, magnesium, and potassium. All minerals play a vital role but are needed in lesser quantities.
What are the main functions of minerals in human body?

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