The total daily diet contains minerals within the range of 0.2-0.3% of
all nutrients. Human nutritional requirements demand at least 23 mineral
elements, and there are various methods available to establish the
nutritional status of minerals.
The required daily quantities of mineral nutrients are small,
particularly when compared with nutrients such as carbohydrates and
lipids. The minimum and maximum mineral contents necessary to produce
adverse effects can vary widely between different mineral nutrients.
Inappropriate intakes and/or elevated requirements resulting from a
range of conditions, including disease, malabsorption, some medicines,
and excessive losses, will eventually lead to a state of deficiency or
toxicity with associated pathophysiology.
Minerals are essential for the normal growth and maintenance of the
body. If the daily requirement is more than 100mg/day they are called
major elements and if the daily requirement is less than 100mg/day they
are called minor elements. The roles of minerals and vitamins in the
maintenance of homeostatic balance and mediation of metabolic
reactions in the skeleton, tissues, body fluids, digestive juices,
Daily diet of minerals
What does the term "diet" mean? The definition of a diet as the complete oral consumption of nutrients and non-nutritive substances is comprehensive yet lacks specificity. It is defined by the typical composition and allocation of nutrients and foods ingested by an individual or a specified group.
Monday, September 02, 2019
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