Monday, November 20, 2017

Weight Gain Due To Environmental Factors

Weight Gain Due To Environmental Factors
Our culture has established the perfect environment for weight gain. Food is abundant and accessible at home, at work and everywhere in between.

Food is at the center of our social gatherings, from birth to death. All too often indulging means a heaping plate of nutritionally depleted, fat and sugar-laden processed food.

To make matter worse, portion sizes, like our waistbands, keep expanding.

In the 1960s, a family sized soft drink bottle was 26 ounces, allowing for four servings, each 6.5 ounce. Today, in many restaurant and theatres, a “small” serving of soda is 16-20 ounces.
Muffins and bagels have double in size since the 1970s, and portion sizes of many entries have also swelled.

Consumers are lured by supersizing- the offer of much more food for just a little extra money. The bargains are irresistible. For a mere 25-50% more money, you can often receive 100-300% more food.

The problem is that when we are served larger portions, we eat more. It’s human nature.

In addition, most of us have sedentary jobs, and in our spare time we watch television, play video games, or surf internet.

Every possible convenience has been developed to help save us time and energy.

In this environment,, staying slim seems greater challenge than becoming overweight or obese.
Weight Gain Due To Environmental Factors

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