A typical fast food meal provided more than one-third of daily recommended calories, total fat and saturated fat intake.
Although fish, chicken and potatoes alone are relatively low calorie foods, they become high fat, high calorie foods when dipped in batter and fried.
If the fat used in cooking is beef tallow, fried foods – regardless of their source - are also high in cholesterol and in saturated fat, believed to promote clogged arteries.
Pasta salads are usually high in fat because of added dressings, cheese or processed meat toppings.
According to NASH (National Adolescent Student Health) survey, they found that from 11,000 eights and tenth graders, 88% of the girls ate at least one snack the previous day with almost one-fourth (24%) eating four or more snacks.
Almost two-thirds of these snacks (62%) were categorized as high-fat or high-sugar foods (chips, soda, candy, ice cream, cake).
Human passion for high-fat high-salt and high-calorie fast foods has become a major threat to human health.
Heart disease remains the leading killer of North America, largely due to elevated insulin and artery inflammation, both of which are caused by diets high in sugar and refined carbohydrates as well as saturated and transfats – the hallmarks of most fats foods.
High calorie fast food