Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Eat What You Crave

Eat What You Crave
If the sight of certain foods puts your mind into a tailspin, you may need to readjust your approach to eating. An overly restrictive diet may “feed” a food craving and set you to overindulge.

The jury is still out on the true cause of food cravings. It may be physiological, psychological, or both.

We don’t yet know if food cravings are linked to a need to resupply the body with nutrients it lacks, or if cravings are reinforced by positive emotional; and social links to certain foods.

Studies suggest that avoiding foods altogether often makes them irresistible.

The results? Giving in to a food craving and perhaps overeating. Then guilt creeps in and people try to resists those foods once again, only to overindulge and feel guilty again.

Eat a small portion of any food you enjoy – even if it’s higher in fat or calories. Even when you’re trying to shed pounds, you can enjoy some high calorie foods as long as your eating plan is healthful and you eat fewer calories overall than your body uses.

As another option, try to satisfy your palate with a low fat, low calorie versions.
Eat What You Crave

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