Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What is Mediterranean diet?

Research indicates that certain regions of the Mediterranean coast show an interesting connection among their people’s lifestyle habits (unique dietary patents, physical activity, stress management, and a contagious love for life), a reduce risk of heart disease and cancer, and improved longevity.

It is the eating plans typical countries of the Mediterranean with Greece, Crete, Italy and Spain being the main point of reference.

These countries are built on agricultural, religious and cultural traditions and one of those traditions is making meals from current available crops. Because of the countries location and temperate climate, fresh vegetables, fruits and seafood form the culinary foundation of these regions.

Many people in the Mediterranean abundantly use fresh herbs, spices, onions and garlic to provide big flavor to their cooking. The diet is filled with an almost unlimited assortment of fresh, delicious foods from all of the food groups.

Even though the Mediterranean residents of days gone by were hard workers, often doing a significant amount of manual labor, they always made time for their largest meal of the day. Traditionally, this meal was lunch, here people sat down as a family and enjoyed a large meal full of vegetables, legumes, fruits and seafoods or meat.
What is Mediterranean diet?

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