Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Importance of Selenium for Health and Immunity

Selenium is an essential trace mineral vital for various physiological functions in the human body. This nutrient plays a crucial role in the formation of antioxidant enzymes, which protect cells from damage caused by free radicals produced during normal oxygen metabolism. Free radicals can harm cells and contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Therefore, the body has developed defenses like antioxidants to manage free radical levels.

Selenium is indispensable for the proper functioning of the immune system and the thyroid gland. It helps maintain the immune system’s ability to combat infections and supports the production of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism.

Dietary sources of selenium are diverse. Selenium is found in meats and seafood, with levels varying based on the selenium content of the animals' diet. Animals consuming grains or plants grown in selenium-rich soil tend to have higher selenium levels in their muscles. In the United States, common sources of dietary selenium include meats, bread, and certain nuts, notably Brazil nuts and walnuts, which are exceptionally rich in this mineral.

Recent studies have highlighted selenium's potential in reducing the severity of viral infections, including COVID-19, by boosting the immune response. Ensuring adequate selenium intake through diet or supplements can support overall health and enhance the body’s defense mechanisms against oxidative stress and infection.
The Importance of Selenium for Health and Immunity

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